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Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Sciences

Software Engineering Group – Prof. Dr. Sebastian Baltes

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Software Engineering Group

Portrait of Sebastian Baltes

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Baltes
Professor of Software Engineering
Head of Group

Email: Show email address
Web: https://empirical-software.engineering
Room: 2.25 (INF/AI)
Office Hours: Wed 14:00-15:00 either in 2.25 or virtually
(please contact Prof. Dr. Baltes by email beforehand)

Portrait of Monika Glaser

Monika Glaser

Phone: +49 (0) 921 55 7721
Email: monika.glaser@uni-bayreuth.de
Room: 2.24 (INF/AI)
Office Hours: Mon-Thu 13:00-15:00

Portrait of Fabian Greger

Fabian Greger

​Phone: +49 (0) 921 55 7728
Email: fabian.greger@uni-bayreuth.de
Room: 2.31 (INF/AI)


Dr. Shalini Chakraborty
Postdoctoral Researcher

Phone: +49 (0) 921 55 7723
Email: shalini.chakraborty@uni-bayreuth.de
Room: 2.26 (INF/AI)


Brenda Chiteri
Doctoral Researcher

Phone: +49 (0) 921 55 7725
Email: Brenda.Chiteri@uni-bayreuth.de
Room: 2.28 (INF/AI)


Seyedmoein Mohsenimofidi
Doctoral Researcher

Phone: +49 (0) 921 55 7724
Email: seyedmoein.mohsenimofidi@uni-bayreuth.de
Room: 2.27 (INF/AI)

Webmaster: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Baltes